Breaking Free: Overcoming Old Patterns and Embracing True Essence


For many of us, starting anew often comes with high hopes and aspirations. However, as I embarked on this journey of renewal, I found myself facing an all-too-familiar obstacle—I was repeating past mistakes. Despite my intentions to move forward, my unconscious mindset, rooted in feelings of obligation and unworthiness, kept pulling me back.

Recognizing Unconscious Barriers

The first step to change was recognizing the invisible barriers I had unknowingly erected around myself. My mindset, steeped in years of conditioning, clouded my potential and led me down old paths that no longer served me. This cycle of repetition was frustrating and disheartening, making each new beginning feel like yet another setup for failure.


Reflecting on Misalignment

In moments of reflection, I confronted a harsh truth: I was misaligned with my true essence. The person I was trying to become was not in harmony with the person I truly was inside. This misalignment was not just a minor inconvenience—it was a significant roadblock to my progress and happiness.


The Role of Obligation and Unworthiness

Digging deeper, I realized that much of my struggle stemmed from a deep-seated sense of obligation—to fulfill roles that others expected of me, to meet societal standards that didn't resonate with my values, and to chase achievements that I didn’t truly desire. Coupled with this was a persistent feeling of unworthiness, a belief that I did not deserve the success or happiness I was striving for.


Embracing the Journey to True Essence

Understanding these patterns was painful but necessary. It marked the beginning of a transformative process—shifting from a place of unconscious repetition to conscious realignment. I started to peel away the layers of obligation and unworthiness, slowly but surely reconnecting with my true self.


Strategies for Realignment

This journey required practical strategies and deep introspection. I engaged in mindfulness practices to stay present and aware of my thought patterns. I sought the support of mentors and peers who encouraged me to explore and express my genuine desires. Most importantly, I committed to self-compassion, allowing myself the space and grace to grow at my own pace.



Starting anew doesn’t guarantee freedom from old patterns, but it offers an opportunity to face them head-on. For anyone repeating past mistakes, consider this a sign to delve deeper into your unconscious beliefs. Realigning your true essence isn't just about changing what you do—it’s about transforming who you are at your core. It's a challenging journey but one that leads to genuine freedom and fulfillment.


Rediscovering Soul Essence: A Journey to Holistic Health, Wealth, and Joy